Friday 1 July 2016

We remember ...

Today at 07.30 marks the 100th anniversary since the start of the Battle of the Somme a time of silence provided a chance for people to remember those who gave their life, whether they be relatives or Lancastrians.
Display from Inspire; remembering those who died
during World War 1

Prayer of Commemoration
Eternal God, our refuge and strength, on this day we remember before you all who experienced the battle on the Somme: those who faced the terrible waste and devastation, who fought against all the odds, endured the clinging mud, and the squalor of the trenches.
We recall with thanksgiving the loyalty shown to comrades and the bravery of those who overcame their fear, the courage of those who daily faced the pounding of artillery, gun-fire and shrapnel. May we never forget the devastating loss of this battle, the anxiety on the home-front, and the sacrifices that were made. 
Through our remembrances today, strengthen our resolve to oppose naked aggression, to defend the weak, and to speak your word of peace in times of conflict and insecurity.  This we ask in the name of the Prince of peace, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen